Tax Calculator for Germany 2021
You will need your Lohnsteuerbescheinigung to complete this step. If you are not sure which data you should fill in the form, use our help next to the field.
This is only basic calculation. If you want complete calculation with all possible deductions and process the tax return yourself, choose BASIC. If you wish to order the tax return with our help (including precalculation) select PREMIUM.
Neotax represents the client
The country you worked in
Work country iso
I worked in Germany in 2021
from (click to enter a date)
to (click to enter a date)
Your tax class
Number of employers
Please fill in the data of your Lohnsteuerbescheinigung
Occupation in 2021
Gross income - line 3
Income tax - line 4
Solidarity Tax - line 5
Church Tax - line 6
Advanced calculator
Employer contribution to pension insurance - line 22a
Employee contribution to pension insurance - line 23a
Employer subsidy for statutory health insurance - line 24a
Employee contribution to statutory health insurance - line 25
Employee contribution to statutory long term care insurance - line 26
Contribution to unemployment insurance - line 27
Contributions to private health care insurance - line 28
months in 2021
Marital status
Since (date)
boolean married
Datum 2018
Did you pay for accommodation in Germany?
Annual amount in EUR
Tax - you´ll receive
Tax - you´ll pay
You may be interested
Spouse´s income and personal information
Fill in your spouse´s income and personal information
Personal information of your wife/husband
German tax ID
Date of Birth
Your religion
Does your spouse live at the same address?
Postal Address of your wife/husband
Zip code
Did your spouse have income in Germany?
Tax class of your spouse
Did your spouse have income outside of Germany?
How much did your spouse earn outside of Germany? (EUR)
calculation spouse
gross income spouse
work tools cost
Income related expenses
Travel cost basic
Travel cost prof
bank account costs
result 1
Tax allowances
Note: The tax office automatically takes into account a flat-rate employee allowance of 1,000 EUR deducted from your income as income-related expenses - without any need for supporting documents. In some cases even if you have higher income-related costs, it might be more beneficial than the discounts below. This means that our calculation may differ from the final calculation from the tax office, but it will be always done in a way which is more advantageous to you.
step 2 condition
Do you have children under the age of 18?
Have you ever applied for Kindergeld (Child benefits) in Germany?
Number of children
Personal information of child
Name of the child
Surname of child
Date of birth
My relation to child
Other parent´s relation to child
Relation to child A pomocne
Personal information of other parent
First Name
Street and number
Post code
Did your child live outside of Germany in 2021
Residency of child abroad
from (date)
to (datum)
Did your child live in Germany in 2021 ?
Residency of child in Germany
to (date)
Insurance fund for child
Did your child live in the same address as you?
Postal address of your child
Did you travel to your workplace by car or public transport in Germany?
Please fill out information about travelling for this employer.
Address of your employer
Working days
Holiday/unemployment (days)
by car
by public transporation
Home to work distance (km) in Germany
Total cost for public transport (EUR)
For how many days did you travel in a year between your home and workplace by car in Germany? Maximum 220 days a year.
Did you have a double household?
I have to travel between households:
Double household from
Double household to
Your address in Germany
Address of your second household outside of Germany
Did you travel between the households by car?
How many times did you travel between the households by car?
Distance(km) between the household in Germany and abroad
Did you travel between the households by public transportation?
Real cost (in EUR) of travelling by public transport between households
Moving expense to Germany and/or moving expenses in Germany
Did your spouse travel to work?
Other travel expanses
anlage N 35/110
anlage N 36/130
anlage N 37/140
anlage N 38/150
Personal information
Email is our primary means of communicating with you regarding the status of your order. We need your email address to send you information about your order. If we lack any information or documents, we will contact you. In some cases, phone contact can speed up the whole process, so we will be glad to have your telephone number as well.
German tax ID (optional)
German tax number (optional)
Postal Address
Your contact details
Phone number
Contact e-mail
Your local German tax office
Your German tax office
Your previous tax office in Germany (optional)
Your selected tax office
TO number
Do you have a bank account in Germany?
Bank details
IBAN without DE
Account holder
Name of account holder
Account holder A
Account holder B
Discount voucher
Voucher value pomocne
Voucher relative pomocne
Voucher relative pomocne1
May we contact you in English?
In which language can we communicate with you?
During the tax year you were resident of
During the tax year you were resident of:
In which country was your permanent address in 2021?
State of residence
neotax entry
city country
Generate IBAN for the client
Important info for admin: IBAN is generated based on the user ID. Please check the user ID and email below (grey rows). If it is not the ID/email of the client, check the box "I want to enter the client´s user ID" and find the ID number according to email in user tab in Lexi. This will ensure that the account number is assigned to the client.
order id
User ID
User email
I want to entrer the client´s user ID
Enter the client´s user ID
User ID pomocne
iban pomocne 1
iban pomocne 2
iban pomocne 3
iban pomocne 4
iban pomocne 5
Income from abroad
Spouse income from abroad
Are you married?
Are you a non-resident of Germany?
Tax class
Tax class pomocne
Gross income
Paid tax
Solidar tax
Church tax
Address of work place in Germany
Working days a week
Vacations, sickdays - days
Place of work (town)
days of work
Distance in km
Distance in km with own vehicle
Worktools v EUR
Total work tools v EUR
Moving cost
Moving cost EUR
Bank account fee
bank accout fee
Total costs
Reason for double household
German workplace address
The second household is in abroad
Country of the second household
You are owner of the house abroad
anlage N line 510
anlage N line 512
anlage N line 516
anlage N line 530 accomodation costs
anlage N line 551
Do you have company car/collective transport from employer
Name and surname
Duration of filation from
Duration of filation to
Last known address
Universal boolean true
Kind 1
Kind 2
Kind 3
Kind 4
Kind 5
Kind 6
Kind 7
Kind 8
Kind 9
surname and name
Precalculation package - output
Expected result - Refund
Expected result - Debt
precalc currency
precalc income
precalc tax withheld
precalc local income
precalc spouse deduction
precalc pouse local income
precalc child deduction
precalc child number
tax pack documents
aplication form
marriage certificate
Custom result
Custom precalc result - REFUND
Custom precalc result - DEBT
Expected result
Expected result is the result calculated by our application.
Real result
Real result is the result calculated by the tax office. It is possible to enter it below and also add the reasons for the difference compared to the expected result
How many items do you want to add?
Choose the option:
Did you work in Germany in 2021 and need to help with your tax issue?
Select the free PRE-CALCULATION package to calculate how much taxes you can get back. If you want to process the tax return yourself, choose BASIC. If you wish to order the tax return directly (including precalculation) or you need to process a tax return for several years, select PREMIUM or VIP package. What earning document do you need? Precalc or Basic package: Lohnsteuerbescheinigung Premium or VIP package: Lohnsteuerbescheinigung or last payslip (Lohnabrechnung)
Precalc package
Online Tax Calculation
Basic package
Do-it-yourself online version
19 EUR
Premium package
Most popular
Assisted tax processing
39 EUR per year+ 9% from refund
Vip package
480 EUR per year
We will prepare your tax return for tax year {{ TAX_YEAR }} as soon as you complete the form. All you have to do is "Lohnsteuerbescheinigung " from your employer. The app will guide you through it.
I need to file tax return for Germany
Datum 2019 zac
You worked in Germany in another year than 2021 too. If you want to fill in the tax return for another year, please, contact us on
You worked in Germany in another year than 2021 . You probably chose bad product. If you need our help, please contact us on
comparing worldwide income and income in GER 90 %
comparing income basic limit
The calculation is an rough estimate. The result will be different. If you want a more accurate result, you can switch to our Premium package and our colleagues will pre-calculate your taxes.
Did you have income outside of Germany?
How much did you earn outside of Germany? (EUR)
Tax return
Tax refund
gross income taxpayer
accomodation cost
total result 1
pesion cost deduction
result 2
solidarity tax
total 3
refund if minus
taxpayer true
Current tax year